At the April 4, 2017 Board of Directors meeting, the NYSHSFCA approved a new benefit for all of our members. Starting May 1, 2017, all members will have a $1,000,000 Commercial General Liability Policy issued by the National Organization of Coaches Association Directors. This policy will provide general liability coverage to all members. Loomis and Lapann, Inc out of Glens Falls, NY will be administering the program. They can be reached at or 1-800-566-6479. In order to obtain your insurance certificate, all you have to do is go to the website on or after May 1 or call the office and they will have a list of membership names and be able to send a copy of the certificate.
The coverage includes General Aggregate, Products/Completed Operations, Personal & Advertising Injury, Fire Damage and Sexual Abuse coverage. In addition, for a minimal fee, Loomis & Lapann, Inc, has camp insurance coverage as well for each member. The cost of the camp insurance is not covered by the NYSHSFCA but it is available for purchase through the website.
We want to thank all of our members for making our organization prosperous and financial solvent with the support of membership, sponsors and the annual coaching clinic. Due to the position our organization is currently in, we can continue to offer additional benefits such as this. Thank you and have a great summer and upcoming season.